Wednesday, 17 March 2010


when given a question for my essay Discuss the role that new media technologies play in the promotion, exhibition and display of contemporary fashion. i diced to base my work and research on Will people every need or want to go to a catwalk show again with all the new digital technology available?

here is a sample of my essay.


In the past fashion has been portrayed to audiences through magazine, the wealthy and on catwalks which only it the rich and most famous people can accesses. However in recent years fashion has become much more accessible to gain accesses, especially with the digital age of technology which is upon us.

This essay will explore the digital age of technology in fashion now and for fashions future. It will look in to how all these technologies will change the fashion industry as we know it. This essay will look at fashion film; live streaming in 2D and 3D, as well as how the internet has changed the fashion world. The essay will look in to the websites which help communicate in the fashion world and the fashion film festival. This essay will explore the ways the fashion world uses the live streaming and the 3d technologies. It will also look at how the fashion industry affects the new 3d technologies and how it can help to improve the 3d equipment as well as the technology. The designers which chose to use the equipment and technologies as a tool in their work will also be considered.

I conclude ...

My conclusion is with all the new technology I think that the fashion world will only keep getting strong. I feel that the industry will become much more reliant on the digital age and will want more from it. Every time 3D comes and goes from our screen it seems to be getting stronger. I believe that it will be here to stay. With the new technologies of 3D cat walks and 3D TV soon we will be able to have the catwalk shows streaming live in 3D to our living rooms. How ever I believe that any one in the fashion industry will still carry on going to the catwalk shows as from my experience you can never get the same atmosphere as you do from a show in your living room. It may come close but not close enough. And you will never quite be able to really see every single aspect that you can from being in the same room as the clothes. I think live streaming on the catwalk is a revolution for those who can and will never be invited or afford to get tickets to the catwalk show. Like previously only high-end client buyers and fashion editors would get invited and be the first to see it, but now us mere mortals can too. In my eyes it is pure genius. To me blogging at first was a waste of time at first. Now I feel that it is a great tool. I can research, discuss, get feed back on my work and I can do all that from my computer or my phone any where around the world. It becomes very instant and very fast you end up feeling that every thing must be blogged and it must be blogged straight away. Like fashion there is no point waiting around other wises its to late, it would have been said or done.

Friday, 5 March 2010

resurch for my essay

I am writing a essay on live streaming, 3d, fashion film .

Are fashion films, live streaming and 3d vision the fashion future?

Would people every need to go to a catwalk show agen?

Here is just a few weblinks for my resurch take a look if you intrested or find it mite help you.

Winning Scholars Feted... Calvin Klein's Turn... Going Global... -

Dolce & Gabbana fully embraces the digital age [Updated]

The history of 3-D from stereoscope to “Avatar.”:

Style Insider / Graduate Fashion Week

Style Insider / Graduate Fashion Week